Tag: Harry Potter

Great Produce from the Great British Countryside

Great Produce from the Great British Countryside

Once upon a time, British food and produce had a poor reputation. No taste, overcooked, shoddy preparation. Sad to say, but true at the time. Then things began to change.

An Island of Tranquillity

An Island of Tranquillity

It is 4 o’clock on a sunny Thursday afternoon and I have been trampling around London for hours with a friend – or rather, trying to keep up with my friend who is energetically pushing her two-year-old in a pushchair around the city, on the 

The North Yorkshire Chronicles, Part Two: My Heart Beats for Harry

The North Yorkshire dawn chorus begins. Birds of all kinds ease me into consciousness as the sun begins to rise above the horizon, bringing light to the valley below. I wake to the sound of … wait a minute. That’s not birds I hear now,