Month: September 2011

Orange You Glad I Baked a Cake for You?: Rick Stein’s Sicilian Orange Cake

Orange You Glad I Baked a Cake for You?: Rick Stein’s Sicilian Orange Cake

Moist, orangey and buttery, this Thermomix recipe for Sicilian Orange Cake is based on one appearing in Rick Stein’s “Mediterranean Escapes.” Makes one thick cake that serves 12.

Flavour Matching Game

Madame Thermomix was invited to play the Flavour Matching Game by fellow blogger and Thermomix demonstrator Nora who writes Journal of a French Foodie. It’s a game where you jot down ten flavour combinations that come to mind. Some of the results floating around blogs these 

Know Your Thermomix: Lid and Measuring Cup

Know Your Thermomix: Lid and Measuring Cup

Get the most from your Thermomix TM31’s clever lid and measuring cup

An Island of Tranquillity

An Island of Tranquillity

It is 4 o’clock on a sunny Thursday afternoon and I have been trampling around London for hours with a friend – or rather, trying to keep up with my friend who is energetically pushing her two-year-old in a pushchair around the city, on the