Tag: Chocolate

Three-Chocolate Bites

Three-Chocolate Bites

I bet you can’t eat just one of these delicious – and easy to make – three-chocolate treats. I certainly can’t!

There Ought to be a Law: Double Chocolate Chunk Cookies (Gluten Free and Grain Free)

There Ought to be a Law: Double Chocolate Chunk Cookies (Gluten Free and Grain Free)

As soon as I saw these cookies on Sylvie Shirazi’s beautiful blog, Gourmande in the Kitchen, I knew I was in trouble. And I was right. This recipe should come with a warning: will cause serious damage to your resolve and your willpower!

Wholesome Chocolate: Chocolate Scones

Wholesome Chocolate: Chocolate Scones

If scones are delicious then chocolate scones just _have_ to be even better! Check out this recipe from The Rose Bakery in Paris, France.

Feeding my (Chocolate) Habit: Chocolate Orange Cake

Feeding my (Chocolate) Habit: Chocolate Orange Cake

A Thermomix adapted recipe for a gorgeously rich yet light Chocolate Orange Cake that’s gluten-free as well. So you can have your cake and eat it, too 😉