Wicked Good Tuna Salad

Wicked Good Tuna Salad

Wicked good Tuna Salad takes just 2 seconds in your Thermomix!

Patricia Wells’ Black Olive Tapenade

Patricia Wells’ Black Olive Tapenade

Patricia Wells’ Black Olive Tapenade or Tapenade Noir is a delicious way to combine the flavours of black olives, garlic and fresh herbs. Thermomix makes it fast and easy to enjoy!

Nutty About Nuts and Seeds: Bernie Brennan’s Almond and Seed Crackers

Nutty About Nuts and Seeds: Bernie Brennan’s Almond and Seed Crackers

These crackers are delightfully savoury and can be made with endless variations of nuts and seeds – especially handy when guests drop by unexpectedly and you need a quick cracker fix.

Last-minute Party Food

Last-minute Party Food

We’re having a last-minute New Year’s Eve party and need some easy, last-minute party foods to get the celebration going. One look in the refrigerator told me that we were in for a treat.

Party Food!

Party Food!

Autumnal tastes make these Gorgonzola Panna Cotta verrines a great winter treat. They’re brilliant at a dinner party or on a holiday buffet.