Greg’s Thermomix Risotto Balls

Greg’s Thermomix Risotto Balls

A super way to use up leftover Thermomix risotto (if there is any!) and turn it into a quick lunch, a light supper, a kid-friendly finger meal, or even party food. Let the kids get their hands dirty (literally) and help shape their own food!

Wasabi Panna Cotta

Wasabi Panna Cotta

This unlikely-sounding combination is actually quite subtle and a wonderful accompaniment to your choice of seafood and/or fish. I’d love to serve these at a cocktail party, too. Just watch out for the huge hit of wasabi oil vapours up your nose when you take the lid off your Thermomix!

Leek and Crab Maki

Leek and Crab Maki

Here’s a recipe for a Western take on a Japanese classic you can make year-round. It’s delicious as an appetizer or a light starter.

French Provençal Fougasse

French Provençal Fougasse

This specialty bread from the south of France is delightful served with a glass of wine or cocktails, at a picnic, and as the bread to accompany a meal with Provençal or Italian flavours. The recipe itself is a tried and tested one from Thermomix France’s bread cookbook, “Mille et une pates… à pain.”

Mini Choux with Thyme-Infused Goats Cheese Mousse

Mini Choux with Thyme-Infused Goats Cheese Mousse

Once you’ve made these Mini #choux #pastry filled with Thyme-infused Goats Cheese Mousse in your #Thermomix you’ll never make choux any other way again!